ye shi

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ye shiye shi
  1. Ye Shi 's Learning of Virtue and Its Critical Spirit


  2. Between utility and morality & challenge of Chen Liang and Ye Shi to Zhu Xi


  3. Ye Shi 's Literary Ideology and Achievements in Poems and Essays


  4. This paper was focus on the narrative article analysis and research of Ye Shi , the scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty .


  5. People is : Li Gou , Wang Anshi , Chen Liang and Ye Shi .


  6. Ye Shi is a famous scholar and writer , important figures in the Yongjia School of Southern Song dynasty .


  7. Ye Shi 's theory of human personality , although not much different from the Confucius construct of Saint in inside and Lord in outside .


  8. Ye Shi is the representative figure of " Yongjia school " of the Southern Song Dynasty and his economic thought was based on utilitarianism .


  9. Ye Shi dares to be assessed , not curved face with irony , lead into the epitaph epitaph , creating new vitality .


  10. In this thesis ,《 Ye Shi epitaph study 》, study to Ye epitaph as the research object , respectively , from the perspective of rhetoric , historical value and perspective of .


  11. The Advantages and disadvantages of Revolutionary Narration and Epics & On Novels of the West China in 1950s and 1960s by Taking the Example of Chuang Ye Shi


  12. " Yongjia school " represented by Ye Shi was all characterized by telling the practical thing , seeking practical results and working for the real work , and had obvious anti-traditional meanings at that time .


  13. It is hoped that through this article on Chen Lang and Ye Shi of two Orthodox thinking , and to be able to ideological orthodoxy of the Confucian tradition has a more comprehensive grasp .


  14. The second chapter describes the construction of Chen Liang and Ye Shi 's thought of moral education . Their idea system mainly consists of three aspects : the purpose of moral education , the content of moral education and the method of moral education .


  15. By inquiring into the thought of the inactive and the active in the Book of changes from unique perspective , Ye shi had come to the conclusion that there are only the active in the absence of the inactive .


  16. YE shi , a very famous exponent of Yongjia School in the Southern Song Dynasty , set forth his utilitarian economic thought based on his criticisms at the traditional Confucian viewpoint of righteousness and profitability and the orthodox feudalistic economic idea .
